8 Things I Wish I'd Known About MCAT Tutors Before Hiring One

May 29, 2023

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a daunting gauntlet that every aspiring physician must face. Serving as a crucial measure of one's critical thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science concepts, the MCAT is an endeavor where guidance can be greatly beneficial. However, securing a tutor for this demanding test is a decision not to be taken lightly. Here are eight crucial factors I wish I had known prior to embarking on this tutoring journey.

  • The Pedagogical Approach:

MCAT tutors adopt a variety of teaching methods. Some rely strictly on MCAT-preparation books, while others incorporate a mixture of textbooks, online resources, and specialized MCAT material. Cognitive theory suggests that a diverse array of study materials can enhance memory retention, as it appeals to different learning styles. However, the tutor must be adept at integrating these materials in a cohesive and efficient way.

  • The Content Expert:

The MCAT is a multidisciplinary test, covering topics from physics to sociology. This necessitates a tutor who has a comprehensive understanding of the various subjects. However, specialization has its merits as well. Descartes' theory of division of labor suggests that specialization results in efficiency. Therefore, a tutor specializing in biochemistry, for example, is likely to be more proficient in teaching that subject than a generalist.

  • The Personalized Plan:

B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning theory emphasizes how learning is influenced by the consequences of behavior, indicating that personalized study plans can yield more effective results. Some tutors offer a one-size-fits-all plan, while others customize their approach to your specific needs. Tutors who can discern your strengths and weaknesses and tailor their approach accordingly are essential for high performance.

  • The Cost Analysis:

MCAT tutors can be financially demanding. It's essential to weigh the opportunity cost, as economists term it – the value of what must be given up to obtain something. The cost of a tutor should be offset by their value. A more expensive tutor who delivers a larger score improvement might be more cost-effective than a cheaper tutor who offers marginal benefits.

  • The Mock Testing:

The MCAT is as much about endurance as it is about knowledge, much like a marathon. Training for a marathon necessitates practice runs, similarly, mock testing is a vital part of MCAT-preparation. Tutors who frequently incorporate practice tests and simulate test-day conditions offer the most realistic training.

  • The Tutor’s Track Record:

The law of large numbers, a principle from probability theory, states that the results of performing the same experiment a large number of times will get closer to the expected value. Similarly, a tutor with a large number of students and a consistent track record of positive results is likely a sound investment.

  • The Post-Tutoring Support:

Like Newton's first law of motion, an object (or student) will continue in their state of motion (or studying) unless acted upon by an external force. Post-tutoring support can provide that external force, keeping your momentum going. Tutors who continue to provide advice, resources, and encouragement even after the official sessions have ended are invaluable.

  • The Psychological Support:

Lastly, the MCAT journey is mentally arduous. A tutor with a keen understanding of cognitive and emotional psychology can help manage stress and anxiety, fostering a healthy and productive learning environment.

In conclusion, when selecting an MCAT tutor, it is imperative to scrutinize their pedagogical approach, expertise, customizability of plans, cost-effectiveness, use of mock testing, track record, post-tutoring support, and capacity for psychological support. The ideal tutor is a mentor who not only imparts knowledge but also guides you through the mental and emotional marathon that is the MCAT preparation.

Related Questions

What is the pedagogical approach?

The pedagogical approach refers to the teaching methods adopted by the tutor. This can range from relying strictly on MCAT-preparation books to incorporating a mixture of textbooks, online resources, and specialized MCAT material.

What is the importance of a tutor's content expertise?

Content expertise is crucial as the MCAT is a multidisciplinary test, covering topics from physics to sociology. A tutor with a comprehensive understanding of the various subjects can be beneficial. However, a tutor specializing in a specific subject like biochemistry can be more proficient in teaching that subject.

What is a personalized plan?

A personalized plan is a study plan that is customized to the specific needs of the student. It takes into account the student's strengths and weaknesses and tailors the approach accordingly.

What is meant by cost analysis?

Cost analysis refers to weighing the opportunity cost - the value of what must be given up to obtain something. In the context of hiring a tutor, the cost of the tutor should be offset by their value.

Why is mock testing important?

Mock testing is important as the MCAT is as much about endurance as it is about knowledge. Tutors who frequently incorporate practice tests and simulate test-day conditions offer the most realistic training.

What is the tutor's track record?

The tutor's track record refers to their past performance with students. A tutor with a large number of students and a consistent track record of positive results is likely a sound investment.

What is post-tutoring support?

Post-tutoring support refers to the advice, resources, and encouragement provided by the tutor even after the official sessions have ended. This can help keep the student's momentum going.

Interested in the Best MCAT Tutors?

If you're looking to get the most out of your MCAT prep, reading more of our blog posts is a great way to learn about the best tutors available. Our rankings of Best MCAT Tutors can help you find the perfect tutor for your needs.

Stewie Davis | Riley Brown | Quinn Taylor